Mindfulness and intuitive guidance takes practice.
Thankfully there are tools out there to help you center, focus, align, and connect with your divine spirit. With practice, these tools are powerful allies, but it takes time to learn the nuances of a tarot deck or a new spiritual technique. Time you probably don’t have.
What if it were easier to find the answers to the big questions?
What if you could find clarity, tap into your intuition, expand your ideas of what’s possible for you, and feel your way toward the answers to your biggest life questions…all the while knowing that you’re on the right path?
What if you could make personal and professional decisions with ease and confidence? What if your next step became so much clearer?
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Simply Ask A Question & Play The Game.
If you’re ready to be more intentional, manifest your dream life, and find true-to-you solutions to your life’s challenges, the Cosmic Compass game is for you.
More comprehensive than any oracle card reading, the Cosmic Compass game guides you through the process of understanding your deepest desires, acknowledging the obstacles in your way, and designing an action plan for what you need to do (and believe) in order to live an extraordinary life.
Already played by:
- Executive & Life Coaches
- Yoga Instructors
- Mindfulness Teachers
- Conscious Lifestyle Practitioners
- Energy & Holistic Healers
- Hundreds of people around the world on a personal spiritual path
This unique and fun soul strategy game can be used:
On your own
As a tool with your coaching clients
As an event with your favorite spiritual allies

Aline Hanle
Spiritual Strategist & Creator of the Cosmic Compass
In 2010, after years of wanting more clarity from my tarot and oracle decks, I created the Cosmic Compass. The Cosmic Compass game is a fun way to embrace your natural intuition, see obstacles that may present themselves along the way, and create an action plan that’s fully aligned with your desires and your soul purpose.
This tool is so incredibly effective, I personally use it for myself, my family, and my coaching clients whenever they’re faced with a challenge they can’t see clearly.
To this day, the Cosmic Compass continues to be used by people around the world to connect to themselves, deepen their self-reflection, and gain insight on achieving their goals.
I invite you to let this soul strategy experience open you to opportunities you didn’t even know were possible. The Cosmic Compass is a powerful empowerment technique…and it’s also fun to play!
Play. Awaken. Act.
Playing the Cosmic Compass game is easy.
Ask a question then draw cards from the deck to guide your conscious mind toward self-awareness.
These cards follow the flow of chakra points which ensures the solution to your question is deeply aligned with your whole body-mind-spirit.
Each Cosmic Compass card shows you what you need to consider, the challenges that may present themselves, personal truths, potential communication issues, and so much more to help you make clear and confident decisions.
How do I find fulfillment and satisfaction?
What do I need to know right now?
What do I do about my relationship?
Should I change my job?
What does my future hold?
These are just a few of the questions you can ask yourself as you play the Cosmic Compass.

Ask A Question. Let The Game Lead The Way.
The Cosmic Compass is more than a game; it’s a fun and strategic soul adventure of mindfulness, intuitive guidance, and spiritual connection.
Train your intuitive skills, develop your self-awareness, empower your decisionmaking process, and experience the best way to effortlessly and beautifully manifest your dream life!